Saturday, September 13, 2014

Coffee treats

I'm into my second week here and things are starting to feel more familiar. I finally got over my jet lag, thank goodness. Looks like I'll be stirring up my routine again because I'm moving probably early next week - my neighbors where I live are so noisy and I found a quiet and much nicer apartment in Saint-Cyr-Sur-Loire, just on the other side of the Loire from where I live now. It actually has an oven and a washing machine. These are gold here, apparently. Perfect timing, because I'm ready to do some laundry!

Last weekend I grabbed French brunch with some friends and enjoyed a giant piece of tiramisu for dessert. I really love the lifestyle here - I walk a few hours a day and enjoy my dessert and still feel great. No long driving commute for this year!

American-sized dessert.
Here are some other lovely treats I had this week:

I don't know how I've never had this before - café gourmand. You get a coffee and little desserts. Perfect. 

And in non-dessert related news:

View from my office.
The Guinguette, a really neat riverside bar/café with excellent views of the Loire and great outdoor seating. Only open until the end of September - it's a summer thing. We're trying to take advantage of it while it's open!
OK friends and family, that's it for now. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Le décalage horaire

Hello from Tours, France! I've been here a few days now and I'm settling in as well as I can. I had some really bad jet-lag which I'm still getting over - I don't know why, I've never had it this badly before. I've basically had insomnia at night and I turned into a zombie during the day. I must be getting old.

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous so far. I know this isn't normal for Tours so I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts. I must have brought the Colorado sunshine with me:) Here are some pictures from my walk around vieux Tours this morning:

Place du monstre
I found Les Halles today, where there's a big outdoor market on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I'm good food-wise for now so I just walked around, plotting future meals.

I have three boulangeries close to my apartment. I stopped in one of them today for une tradition and my weekend dessert, a pear almond tartelette.

The bread was still really warm.
Everything I hoped it would be, and more.